You’re an Entrepreneur if…

June 5, 2012
1 min read
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Today, Tom Post at Forbes wrote a post titled: Are You an Entrepreneur?  In the post, they reposted a survey written by Alana Muller, president, Kauffman FastTrac®.  My quick response after reading this was something like:

If you have to take a survey, you’re not an Entrepreneur.

Look, I know at bit of entrepreneuritis is going around – seems like it’s in the water these days.  But after meeting with 1,000+ founders, I’ve found those that are true entrepreneurs have known it for years, that it’s been in their blood and DNA seemingly forever, and that it can never be cured.

Steve Blank suggests that Entrepreneurship can be taught, but I think what he means is that the act of venture creation can be taught.  However, the innate characteristics of an entrepreneur come from within, through life experiences, and can never be created within a structured educational process.

So stop taking surveys and create some life experiences — you’ll know, and when you do, come tell me about it!

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