Bee Partners 2023 AGM

On May 17, 2023, Bee Partners hosted our 5th AGM. Thank you to everyone who attended! If you could not make the event, you can see the full recording below, which includes presentations from:

→ Wojo Krupa of Knowde
→ Caen Contee of WellPlaece
→ Shannon Hall of
→ Shannon Nangle of Circe
→ Anand Kulkarni of Crowdbotics
→ Yashar Behzadi of
→ Rob May of

Additional videos below include the performance data for Bee II, Bee III, and Bee IV.

or capital calls and financial statements, please navigate to your Flow login. For individual company performance data, ways you can support portfolio companies, and more, please visit the Bee Portal

If you attended the remote event and have not yet filled out our survey, please click here to do so

Enjoy the updates below and as always, if you have any questions, please reach out. 

2023 AGM Recording 

Bee II - By The Numbers


Length: 2.7 hours


Length: 2.5 minutes

Bee III - By The Numbers

Bee IV - By The Numbers


Length: 2 minutes


Length: 1.75 minutes
