Garrett Goldberg is a Partner at Bee Partners. He brings over a decade of venture experience. He partners with Founders working on the Frontier Curve of Innovation to solve problems for enterprises and enable new marketplaces.
Garrett's Latest
Vector Driven Analysis
Health IT – Pushing Healthcare to the Edge
About Garrett
He’s acutely attuned to how product driven networks achieve scale, and brings an exponential mindset to the many facets of venture capital.
An entrepreneur at heart, Garrett has worked in professional sports, real estate development, and technology. Garrett holds an undergraduate degree from Stanford and a MBA from the Foster School, at the University of Washington. He is a partner to the Founders and organizations in the Bee Partners community and believes time is worth more than money. He serves on the boards of Knowde, Florence Healthcare, InnerPlant, and others.
Connect with Garrett on LinkedIn.
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